Episode Archive
323 episodes of Ask Christopher West since the first episode, which aired on January 7th, 2019.
Blood and Water | ACW46
November 18th, 2019 | 33 mins 49 secs
Christopher's Talk in the Sistine Chapel | ACW45 | Bonus Episode
November 11th, 2019 | 31 mins 39 secs
As Christopher and Wendy take a week off, we share a very special talk from Christopher in the Sistine Chapel, which John Paul II called "The Shrine of Theology of the Body". It was recorded at the TOB Institute Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi in Fall of 2018.
Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.
The Gift of Self | ACW44
November 4th, 2019 | 34 mins 31 secs
My wife and I spent many years living in a state of serious sexual sin. How do we deal with this now that we have decided to change our lives? As a young woman experiencing same-sex attraction, how am I meant to experience intimacy in life? What should I do when my boyfriend is not ready for marriage, but I very much am?
Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.
Atomic Pumpkin Glory | ACW43
October 28th, 2019 | 33 mins 32 secs
The Church is a She | ACW42
October 21st, 2019 | 35 mins 7 secs
Why is the Church referred to as a "She?" What's going on with the JPII Institute in Rome? My health makes it difficult for my husband and I to have marital relations, and I'm concerned. What should I do?
Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.
The Soul of Christ | ACW41
October 14th, 2019 | 31 mins 3 secs
What does the Anima Christi prayer tell us about TOB? Should I be using NFP to avoid pregnancy? How do I talk to my daughter about transgenderism?
Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.
Choose Love | ACW40
October 7th, 2019 | 32 mins 35 secs
How have criticisms of your work changed how you teach TOB? What is the "disinterested gift of self"? Is hell real?
Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.
The Interior Gaze | ACW39
September 30th, 2019 | 34 mins 22 secs
What does TOB teach about individuals with physical, emotional, or intellecutal disabilities? What is "the interior gaze" and why does it matter? How do I recover from bullying?
Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.
The Marriage Business | ACW38
September 23rd, 2019 | 34 mins 36 secs
Does the Church need to "get out of the marriage business?" Can I encounter God through rap music? What's your opinion on married priests?
Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.
Receiving His Mercy | ACW37
September 16th, 2019 | 33 mins 12 secs
How do I help my future potential spouse understand the shameful parts of my sexual past? I have many secular friends, whom I love very much. How do I respond to an invitation to a same-sex wedding from one of them with love and respect? Is there a theology to sexual positions?
Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.
In the Womb | ACW36
September 9th, 2019 | 33 mins 12 secs
My priest instructed women to cover their shoulders at mass. Was this the right call? Why does God give us desires if they seem impossible to attain? How do I deal with the shame I carry over my past?
Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.
What for Questions | ACW35
September 2nd, 2019 | 33 mins 51 secs