Ask Christopher West

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

324 episodes of Ask Christopher West since the first episode, which aired on January 7th, 2019.

  • "Bonding as Adoptive Parents" & "Practical Good Eros" | ACW275

    April 8th, 2024  |  48 mins 59 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • Soon after my husband and I got married I had cancer and needed to get a hysterectomy. My husband and I adopted our son a year ago. I notice that my husband didn’t bond with me like first time parents typically do. I have trouble sitting with the desire to want to be ministered to as a pregnant woman. Do you have any advice?
    • I have been steeped in pornography for most of my life but I’ve been free for over a year now. My tendency towards lust is still present and strong. At this point I don’t know what good eros towards a woman would feel like. What does good eros feels like practically?
  • "Attracting Certain Kind of Women", "Marriage or Monastery" & "Man & Woman Stranded on an Island..."

    April 1st, 2024  |  46 mins 7 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • As a young man in my mid twenties, I long for a godly woman. However, I’ve questioned my intentions about this yearning and wondered if my ambitions to get in shape, make a good living and develop a closer relationship with God could just be a cover for worshipping an idol of attracting a certain kind of woman. How can I learn to integrate these ambitions with becoming the kind of man God wants me to be.
    • I want to get married but I see many huge challenges in raising a family. I wonder if it would be safer to join a monastery despite my strong desire for marriage. Do you have any advice?
    • If a man and a woman were stranded alone in an island with no foreseeable way of ever leaving or having access to the Sacraments. Could they marry and raise a family?
  • "Desire & Lust", "Pre-Marital or Non Marital Sex" & "Will Heaven Lack Something?" | ACW273

    March 25th, 2024  |  47 mins 55 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • I’m struggling with the line between desire and lust in the context of marriage. Can I watch my wife shower and not fall into lust?
    • What is it about marriage that makes desires and actions that, if otherwise took place outside of it would be sinful, not sinful?
    • Will heaven get better after the end times? Will heaven be lacking something when only our souls are there awaiting our reunion with out glorified bodies?
  • "True Femininity", "Advice for Single Catholics" & "Trusting Jesus" | ACW272

    March 18th, 2024  |  52 mins 29 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • I’m a single Catholic woman in my early 30’s. I’m normally drawn to things that are typically associated with men. A spiritual director from the past attempted to direct me to more traditionally feminine things. What does femininity and masculinity really mean? Can not having a feminine or masculine enough personality constitute an impediment to marriage or to religious life?
    • Do you have any advice for single Catholics that are feeling a lack of Jesus’s love?
    • I’m a single 34 year old Catholic woman. I long for marriage but I haven’t found a man this is looking for the same things as me. Could it be that my vocation is not marriage even though it is not what I long for? How can I continue to trust Jesus?
  • "Excretory Functions In Heaven", "My Husband Won't Reverse His Vasectomy" and " the Marital Embrace Before Original Sin" | ACW271

    March 11th, 2024  |  46 mins 14 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • Do you think we’ll still have our excretory functions in the eschaton?
    • I’m a new convert to the faith. My husband is still a non-catholic and had a vasectomy some time ago. I don’t think he will reverse it. Do you have any advice?
    • Was there sex before original sin? Was marriage meant to last for eternity?
  • Difficulty Holding On, Surgery for the Sake of Openness to Life & Hellish Comparison. | ACW270

    March 4th, 2024  |  50 mins 6 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • I’ve been going deep into the TOB for a few years but after all this time has passed, I’ve noticed it’s difficult to hold on. Did you have a similar experience? Could you provide some encouragement?
    • My wife and I are newly weds. We both would like to have children but she’s currently taking a medication that could be harmful for her pregnancy. There is an option to have a medical procedure that would get her off the medication but the surgery is also risky. Are we morally obligated to have the surgery for the sake of openness to life?
    • I’m a young Christian woman struggling with undiagnosed body dysmorphia. I was compared to other women in a previous dating relationship. I’ve been feeling inadequate and I feel like there’s so much pressure for women to be as attractive as possible from everyone around them. How can I combat this challenge and be set free?
  • Open Bathroom Policy, Stopping Birth Control "Cold Turkey" & Idolizing One's Spouse | ACW269

    February 26th, 2024  |  50 mins 13 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • My husband and I have 4 children 7 years old and under. We have unintentionally adopted an open door bathroom policy in our home. Is there an age where this would cease to be appropriate?
    • I’m entering the Church this easter but my husband is not. I want to honor him but I also want to step into what I believe God wants for us and our fertility. How do I have this conversation with my husband? Do I just stop birth control “cold turkey”?
    • What does idolizing one’s spouse actually look like?
  • "Remain", Contraception & the Sacrifice of Motherhood | ACW268

    February 19th, 2024  |  38 mins 37 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • The word remain has been coming up in my prayer. Do you have deeper insights into this word? Has it ever come up for you in prayer?
    • Where do you recommend that I go to learn more about the topic of contraception from an academic perspective?
    • I’m a stay at home mom. The way the world, my family and friends think about motherhood saddens me. Do you have any advice?
  • Resurrection & Final Judgement, Anesthetized to Beauty and Call to Single Life | ACW267

    February 12th, 2024  |  57 mins 25 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • Will heaven be less spectacular until the day when souls get reunited with their bodies? How will the final judgement change the status of people already in heaven or in hell?
    • How can I begin to enter into the deep emotional realities of art like music or movies?
    • How can I know if my desire to live a single life is my calling?
  • God Liking Us, Dating Wounds In Newly Weds & Fishing for Compliments | ACW266

    February 5th, 2024  |  47 mins 44 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • How can I know if God not only loves me but likes me?
    • My husband and I recently married but I find that I’m resentful and defensive because of things that happened during our 5 years of dating. I continue to grow angrier and resentful as our marriage goes on. Do you have any advice?
    • I’m a young woman and often find myself wanting to be desired by another man. Is looking for affirmation in this way a form of lust?
  • Letting My Future Husband Love My Body, Medical Infertility & TOB for 7th Graders | ACW265

    January 29th, 2024  |  40 mins 31 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • I’m engaged and looking forward to marriage but have struggled with body image and eating disorders. How can I prepare myself mentally, emotionally and/or physically for the marital embrace? How can I love my body more so that I can let my fiancé love it too?
    • What does the Church say about medical infertility?
    • Do you have any resources available to teach Theology of the Body for 7th graders?
  • Subjective Beauty, Abstinence from Sexual Intimacy & Unwanted Pregnancy. | ACW264

    January 22nd, 2024  |  40 mins 17 secs
    catholic, catholic answers, catholic podcast, catholic questions, christian, christopher west, faith formation, faith questions, john paul ii, jpii, theology of the body, theology of the body institute
    • Is it true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
    • I become distant and irritable when abstaining from sexual intimacy with my wife. Do you have any advice?
    • How can I accept an undesired pregnancy?