Ask Christopher West

Christopher and Wendy West answer questions about faith, life, love, and sexuality, in light of John Paul II's Theology of the Body.

About the show

Since the early 90's, author and speaker Christopher West has devoted his life to spreading John Paul II's revolutionary teaching on human life, love, and sexuality: The Theology of the Body. His beloved wife Wendy, mother of their five children, has served as his confidante, friend, and support through these long years of ministry. In this podcast, Christopher and Wendy combine their wisdom to tackle the toughest questions dealing with vocation, sexuality, marriage, and the Catholic faith.

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Ask Christopher West on social media


  • Receiving His Mercy | ACW37

    September 16th, 2019  |  33 mins 12 secs

    How do I help my future potential spouse understand the shameful parts of my sexual past? I have many secular friends, whom I love very much. How do I respond to an invitation to a same-sex wedding from one of them with love and respect? Is there a theology to sexual positions?

    Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.

  • In the Womb | ACW36

    September 9th, 2019  |  33 mins 12 secs

    My priest instructed women to cover their shoulders at mass. Was this the right call? Why does God give us desires if they seem impossible to attain? How do I deal with the shame I carry over my past?

    Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.

  • What for Questions | ACW35

    September 2nd, 2019  |  33 mins 51 secs
  • Christopher, Wendy, and the Moon | ACW34

    August 26th, 2019  |  35 mins 5 secs

    What are your thoughts on dress and modesty? Is there a theology to the menstrual cycle? Is it OK if our honeymoon sex was kind of awkward? This episode of Ask Christopher West features questions from women on issues largely pertaining to womens' experience, but Christopher and Wendy's reflections are beneficial to both men and women.

    Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.

  • The Ground is Level at the Foot of the Cross | ACW33

    August 19th, 2019  |  35 mins 36 secs

    What advice do you have to those expecting their first child? What should I be thinking about when choosing my child's name? Is forgiveness as depicted in the movie "The Shack?" really possible?

    Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.

  • Wendy Goes Backpacking | ACW32

    August 12th, 2019  |  45 mins 31 secs
  • The Wounds of Christ | ACW31

    August 5th, 2019  |  27 mins 4 secs

    I feel that my eating disorder has ruined my body. How is God's glory revealed through MY body, which is so often shameful to me? My brother-in-law has dwarfism, and retains some anger toward God for this. How do I help him? As a new Christian therapist, what are some ways I can include TOB in my practice?

  • Love is Worth It | ACW30

    July 29th, 2019  |  31 mins 18 secs

    What was your dating story? As a divorced person, should I seek an anullment? I have some friends who are seriously discussing polyamory, and whether monogamy is even worth it. What do you think?

    Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.

  • Let the Flowers Grow | ACW29

    July 22nd, 2019  |  36 mins 27 secs
  • It Is Very Good | ACW28

    July 15th, 2019  |  33 mins 39 secs

    Why is the priestly vocation for men only? As a man, how do I determine whether I am looking at a woman's body in a way that is loving, not lustful?

    Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.

  • Christopher Needs a Pickle Counselor | ACW27

    July 8th, 2019  |  32 mins 34 secs

    Some celibate religious feel a sense of loss or regret towards marriage and family life. What advice would you give to priests and religious who are struggling in this way? As a woman who is deeply uncomfortable with sexuality and intimacy, how can I engage with these things in a healthy way? Christopher and Wendy only take on two questions this week, but their conversation is one you won't want to miss!

    Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.

  • The Misadventure of Christopher | ACW26

    July 1st, 2019  |  32 mins 45 secs

    How do I get started learning about TOB? How do I abstain from participating in Pride Month activities, while still showing compassion for all people? Does TOB give guidance on taking care of the body? Would you and Wendy every consider writing a book together?

    Ask Christopher West is a weekly podcast in which Theology of the Body Institute Director Christopher West and his beloved wife Wendy share their humor and wisdom, answering questions about marriage, relationships, life, and the Catholic faith, all in light of John Paul II’s beautiful teachings on the Theology of the Body.